
"Why is Antisemitism Still Around?" by Rabbi Michael Lotker

"Whose Fault Is Antisemitism?" by Rabbi Michael Lotker

"Is Criticizing Israel Antisemitic?" by Rabbi Michael Lotker

"Do Jews Cause Antisemitism?" by Rabbi Michael Lotker

"Is Antisemitism Still Relevant?" by Rabbi Michael Lotker

To book this debate visit:


    As I light this Yellow Candle, I vow never to forget the lives of the Jewish men, women, and children who are symbolized by this flame.


    Inspired by his experience making Schindler’s List, Steven Spielberg established the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation in 1994 to gather video testimonies from survivors and other witnesses of the Holocaust.

Museum of Tolerance

The only museum of its kind in the world

The Museum

The educational arm of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, an internationally renowned human rights organization dedicated to promoting respect and mutual understanding, through education, community partnerships , and civic engagement.

8th Grade Trips

The Jewish Federation of Ventura County has sent over 80,000 eighth graders to the Museum of Tolerance in the last 20 years. The values we instill into our children now will carry forward into the workforce and into their homes.

PJ Library®

PJ LIBRARY IS A JEWISH FAMILY ENGAGEMENT program implemented on a local level throughout North America. We mail free, high-quality Jewish children's literature and music to families across the continent on a monthly basis.

PJ Library is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, made possible through partnerships with philanthropists and local Jewish organizations. Today, families in hundreds of communities across the United States and Canada are able to explore the timeless core values of Judaism through books and music. Learn More


Holocaust Remembrance

Yom HaShoah

As I light this Yellow Candle, I vow never to forget the lives of the Jewish men, women, and children who are symbolized by this flame.

Survivors Stories

Inspired by his experience making Schindler’s List, Steven Spielberg established the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation in 1994 to gather video testimonies from survivors and other witnesses of the Holocaust.