
In collaboration with our community partners we have funded a rich variety of cultural programming over the years, including; Community Seders, Yom Hashoah Commemorations, Gathering in Solidarity with Israel, Annual Menorah Lightings, Survivor Lectures, Concerts, and In-Person Educational Programming. 

Young Families ‘Mishpacha’ Programs

Our Mishpacha groups are a wonderful way to meet and connect with other local Jewish and interfaith families raising young children.  No temple membership is required and this program is always free. We have monthly Family Shabbat dinners and get together for other outings.  Our gatherings are centered around music, story-telling, Jewish learning and good food.  The Federation’s Mishpacha program is currently active in 3 cities within Ventura County: Ventura, Camarillo and Ojai. 

PJ Library sends free, award-winning books that celebrate Jewish values and culture. Starting or strengthening your child's connection to Jewish traditions, values, and celebrations can be as easy as reading PJ Library storybooks together. PJ Library will send your child a Jewish storybook every month from birth through age twelve, completely free.

Virtual Programming

Our diverse lineup of virtual programming continues to keep us well-informed, educated and entertained.  Historians, professors, authors and artists cover an array of topics, assuring that there is something for everyone to discover and enjoy.

Sign up for our newsletter to receive weekly updates:

Each year we celebrate the very best of those among us who call Ventura County their home. We recognize their extraordinary achievements, ceaseless hard work, and enormous generosity.  They gift us a legacy of heart and community. 

Mitzvah Circle

Recognizing those outstanding members of our community for a lifetime of service to the Jewish community and to Israel.

Pictured: 2023 Honorees Alan Kirschbaum, Cheri DeKofsky (Executive Director), Valerie and Alan Greenberg.

Women’s Philanthropy

Our fabulous annual event honoring Women of Valor in our community.   Our luncheon features a curated vendor boutique, live and silent auction, raffle, and the opportunity to connect with our wonderful community of Jewish women. 

Fighting Antisemitism

8th Grade Trips to the Museum of Tolerance

The Jewish Federation of Ventura County has sent over 120,000 eighth graders to the Museum of Tolerance in the last 20 years.  The values we instill in our children now will carry forward into the workforce and into their homes. 

Please contact us to learn more about this program. Call 805-647-7800 or email us at


We collaborate with the Santa Barbara/Tri-Counties ADL.  The Santa Barbara Tri-Counties region is dedicated, as is ADL nationally and internationally, to combating all forms of hatred and bigotry by investigating and exposing extremism, protecting as well as advocating for civil rights and religious freedom, educating on how to promote diversity and respect through our many programs and resources and by fostering interfaith relations. 

Shine A Light

Shine A Light is a purpose-driven convening platform for organizations, companies, institutions and individuals to unite in shining a light on antisemitism in all its modern forms.

As part of the Shine a Light national initiative, our Community Rabbi, Michael Lotker, created this multi-part series to shine a light onto the darkness that is Antisemitism during Chanukah.   

Jewish Community School Liaisons 

Volunteer to be a liaison between your child’s public school and the Jewish Federation of  Ventura County to address issues of Antisemitism, bullying, separation of church and state, and general advocacy on behalf of our children.

Orot Healing Retreat

We were proud to be a sponsor of the Orot Healing Retreat for over 100 of the 10/7 Nova Festival survivors.